Covid-19: Overseas students

Covid-19 may cause a reduction in the number of overseas students at UK universities in the academic year 2020/21. A drop may cause landlords to compete for a smaller rental pool in some regions.

  • Covid-19 may cause a reduction in the number of overseas students at UK universities in the academic year 2020/21. A drop may cause landlords to compete for a smaller rental pool in some regions.

  • Dataloft estimate that there are 130,000 overseas students living in the private rental sector, making them an important element of demand in university cities.

  • Overseas students pay a premium for secure and high quality accommodation. With the UKs enduring appeal for overseas students, landlords should focus on meeting their needs.

  • With lockdown relaxed and UK borders open, we hope some normality will have returned by September, but students are likely to delay decisions to see how the pandemic progresses. Source: Dataloft Rental Market Analytics